O texto que se segue foi proibido na rede social Facebook, e estava alojado na conta da Nova Ordem Social, assim os nacionalistas devem optar por outras plataformas para que não seja possível silenciarem-nos. Eu aqui faço a minha parte!
Jakilson Ramos Pereira, é um negro racista que é financiado pela extrema-esquerda portuguesa e internacional, e lidera em Portugal o Grupo de ódio aos brancos, denominado Black Power e Panteras Negras. É também membro de uma banda, Hezbo MC em clara alusão á organização terrorista islâmica Hezbollah, e usa nas suas promoções e edições, desenhos de polícias brancos com cabeças de porcos, ou desenhos com armas de assalto, vulgarmente conhecidas por metralhadoras.
Na sua página do facebook podemos encontrar a sua militância ultra-racista e extremista radical de esquerda, tendo o próprio, participado em manifestações na Grécia, Espanha, Alemanha, Portugal, etc..
Além da possibilidade de na sua conta estar a praticar o crime de Instigação publica a um crime, cfr artº 297º do Código Penal, punido com pena de prisão até 3 anos, quando coloca frases como:”…povo armado, povo respeitado, viva a revolução”, ou fotografias de negros com kalahsnikov, o africano têm ainda fotografias de grafitis com a frase : ”Adeus Chavez..Morte aos bófias” , em propriedade privada, e em propriedade publica, demonstrando aqui a sua afinidade ideológica ao Ditador sanguinário Hugo Chavez, o ódio à policia, e o desrespeito pelo instituto-propriedade.
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As ligações à nossa classe politica é notória, fotos com dirigentes do Bloco De Esquerda, com o Presidente da República, e toda essa gente que financia, apoia, e sofre de complexos por ser branco e esse pseudo-fardo que carrega, obrigando-os a baixarem as calças ao africano, ainda que este seja um racista ou um delinquente.
Imaginem só o que seria se alguém colocasse um símbolo do Poder Branco, a cruz céltica por exemplo, no mapa da Europa, ou tivesse um boné a dizer White City… cairia o Carmo e a Trindade, seria apelidado de fascista, nazi, racista, xenófobo, radical, supremacista etc etc…quando o negro coloca o símbolo do Black Power sobre África, ou a foto do boné a dizer black city, já é uma questão de orgulho racial e étnico que é de louvar e incentivar.
Nós, queremos, na nossa Terra, SIM PORQUE ESTA É A NOSSA TERRA! Poder dizer livremente que temos orgulho em sermos brancos e europeus, sem sermos massacrados pelo politicamente-correcto.
Não vá, o BE e seus afiliados sugerirem ao Radical Africano que retire algumas fotos, resolvemos guardar as mesmas e partilhar convosco. Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Chavez, Malcom X, Black Power, Panteras Negras, Armas, Ódio à policia, manifestações, políticos Lixo…há de tudo um pouco.
Para além de tudo isso, este negro em particular, parece ter um ódio visceral à Europa e a tudo o que é europeu, não se compreende então o porquê de ainda permanecer em território lusitano. Volte às suas origens, leve de preferência a sua família consigo, e desejamos que sejam todos muito felizes em África, onde podem viver segundo os seus costumes e tradições e invadir esquadras ou espancar policias à vontade.
ATENÇÃO: Pedimos aos nossos leitores que para o seu próprio bem, e para se precaverem de processos judiciais. Por sabermos quem são os nossos inimigos e onde estão colocados. Que, apesar dos sentimentos de repulsa e ódio que este texto vos possa transmitir, não coloquem comentários que sejam proibidos à luz da nossa espectacular liberdade de expressão para as opiniões permitidas. Obrigado.
Jakilson Ramos Pereira is a black racist who is financed by the Portuguese and international extreme left, and leads in Portugal the Group of white hatred, called Black Power and Black Panthers. He is also a member of a band, Hezbo MC in clear allusion to the Islamic terrorist organization Hezbollah, and uses in its promotions and editions, white police drawings with pig heads, or drawings with assault weapons, commonly known as machine guns.
On his facebook page we can find his ultra-racist militancy and extremist radical left, having himself participated in demonstrations in Greece, Spain, Germany, Portugal, etc.
In addition to the possibility that in his account he is practicing the crime of public instigation of a crime, cfr article 297 of the Penal Code, punished with imprisonment up to 3 years when he puts sentences such as: "... armed people, respected people, live the revolution "Or photographs of blacks with kalahsnikov, the African still has graffiti photographs with the phrase:" Goodbye Chavez ... Death to the cops ", in private property, and in public property, demonstrating here his ideological affinity to the bloodthirsty Dictator Hugo Chavez , Hatred of the police, and disrespect for the institute-property.
Connections to our political class are notorious, photos with leaders of the Left Block, with the President of the Republic, and all these people who finance, support, and suffer from complexes because they are white and that pseudo-burden they carry, forcing them To lower the trousers to the African, although this one is a racist or a delinquent. Just imagine what it would be like if someone placed a symbol of White Power, the Celtic cross for example on the map of Europe, or had a cap called White City ... heaven would fall to the Earth would be nicknamed fascist, Nazi, racist, Xenophobic, radical, supremacist, and so on. When the Negro puts the Black Power symbol on Africa, or a cap photograph saying black city, it is already a matter of racial and ethnic pride that is to be praised and encouraged. We, on our Land, (YES BECAUSE THIS IS OUR LAND! ) want to be able to freely say that we are proud to be white and European, without being massacred by the politically correct. To prevent, BE and its affiliates from suggest, to the Radical African to remove some photos, we decided to save them and share with you. Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Chavez, Malcom X, Black Power, Black Panthers, Weapons, Police hatred, demonstrations, politicians Garbage ... there is a bit of everything. Apart from all this, this black man seems to have a particular and visceral hatred against Europe and for everything that is European, one can not understand why he still remains in Lusitanian territory. Go back to your origins, preferably take your family with you, and we wish you all to be very happy in Africa, where you can live according to your customs and traditions and invade Police Departments or beat cops as you please.
ATTENTION: We ask our readers that for their own good, and to prevent against legal proceedings, for knowing who our enemies are and where they are placed, despite the feelings of disgust and hatred this text may convey to you, do not make comments that are prohibited in the light of our spectacular freedom of expression for the allowed opinions .
Thank you.
For our friends and comrades all over the world

SCHWARZE RACISTEN IN DEN ANSCHLÜSSEN ZU DER POLIZEI IN ALFRAGIDE, PORTUGAL(verboten fur Nova Ordem Social facebook page) Jakilson Ramos Pereira ist ein schwarzer Rassist, der von den Portugiesen und Internationalen weit links finanziert wird und führt in Portugal die Gruppe des weißen Hasses, genannt Black Power und Black Panthers. Er ist auch Mitglied einer Band, Hezbo MC in einer klaren Anspielung auf die islamische Terrororganisation Hisbollah und nutzt in seinen Promotions und Editionen, weiße Polizeizeichnungen mit Schweinköpfen oder Zeichnungen mit Angriffswaffen, die gemeinhin als Maschinengewehre bekannt sind.

Auf seiner Facebook-Seite finden wir seine ultra-rassistische Militanz und extreme radikale Linke, die selbst an Demonstrationen in Griechenland, Spanien, Deutschland, Portugal, etc. teilgenommen haben.
Neben der Möglichkeit, dass er in seinem Konto das Verbrechen der öffentlichen Anstiftung eines Verbrechens praktiziert, cfr. Artikel 297 des portugiesischen Strafgesetzbuches, mit einer Freiheitsstrafe bis zu 3 Jahren bestraft, wenn er Sätze wie: "... bewaffnete Menschen, angesehene Menschen, die Revolution leben" oder Fotos von Schwarzen mit Kalahsnikow. Der Afrikaner hat noch Graffiti-Fotografien mit dem Phrase: "Goodbye Chavez ... Death to the Cops", auf Privateigentum und auf öffentlichem Eigentum und zeigt hier seine ideologische Affinität zum blutrünstigen Diktator Hugo Chavez, Hass der Polizei und Respektlosigkeit Für das Institut-Eigentum.
Die Verbindungen zu unserer politischen Klasse sind berüchtigt, Fotos mit den Führern des Bloco de Esquerda (eine portugiesische weit linke Partei), mit dem Präsidenten der Republik und all diesen Menschen, die finanzieren, unterstützen und leiden an Komplexen, weil sie weiß und das sind Pseudo-Belastung, die sie tragen, zwingt sie, die Hose an den Afrikaner zu senken, obwohl dieser ein Rassist oder ein Delinquent ist.
Stellen Sie sich vor, wie es wäre, wenn jemand ein Symbol der Weißen Macht, das keltische Kreuz zum Beispiel auf der Europakarte, oder eine Mütze namens Weiße Stadt platzierte ... würde faschistisch, Nazi, rassistisch, fremdenfeindlich, radikal, Supremacist, und so weiter Wenn die schwarzen Männer das Black Power-Symbol auf Afrika setzen oder die Cap-Fotografie, um schwarze Stadt zu sagen, ist es schon eine Frage von Rasse und ethnischem Stolz, die gelobt und gefördert werden soll.
Wir wollen auf unserem Land frei sagen können, dass wir stolz darauf sind, weiß und europäisch zu sein, ohne von den politisch korrekten Massieren zu sein.
Falls Bloco Esquerda und seine Mitgliedsorganisationen dem radikalen Afrikaner vorschlagen, einige Fotos zu entfernen, haben wir beschlossen, sie zu retten und mit Ihnen zu teilen. Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Chavez, Malcom X, Black Power, Black Panthers, Waffen, Police Hass, Demonstrationen, Politiker Müll ...
Abgesehen von all dem, scheint dieser besondere schwarze Mann einen viszeralen Hass für Europa zu haben und für alles, was europäisch ist, kann man nicht verstehen, warum er noch im lusitanischen Territorium bleibt. Gehen Sie zurück zu Ihren Ursprüngen, nehmen Sie vorzugsweise Ihre Familie mit Ihnen, und wir wünschen Ihnen allen, um in Afrika sehr glücklich zu sein, wo Sie nach Ihren Bräuchen und Traditionen leben und in Squads eindringen oder Cops nach Belieben schlagen können.
ACHTUNG: Wir bitten unsere Leser, dass sie für ihr eigenes Gut und um vor rechtlichen Verfahren zu schützen, um zu wissen, wer unsere Feinde sind und wo sie platziert sind und wer trotz der Gefühle von Ekel und Hass diesen Text Ihnen übermitteln kann, nicht zu Machen Bemerkungen, die im Lichte unserer spektakulären Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung für die Meinungen erlaubt sind. Vielen Dank.

Für unsere Freunde und Kameraden in Deutschland
Connections to our political class are notorious, photos with leaders of the Left Block, with the President of the Republic, and all these people who finance, support, and suffer from complexes because they are white and that pseudo-burden they carry, forcing them To lower the trousers to the African, although this one is a racist or a delinquent. Just imagine what it would be like if someone placed a symbol of White Power, the Celtic cross for example on the map of Europe, or had a cap called White City ... heaven would fall to the Earth would be nicknamed fascist, Nazi, racist, Xenophobic, radical, supremacist, and so on. When the Negro puts the Black Power symbol on Africa, or a cap photograph saying black city, it is already a matter of racial and ethnic pride that is to be praised and encouraged. We, on our Land, (YES BECAUSE THIS IS OUR LAND! ) want to be able to freely say that we are proud to be white and European, without being massacred by the politically correct. To prevent, BE and its affiliates from suggest, to the Radical African to remove some photos, we decided to save them and share with you. Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Chavez, Malcom X, Black Power, Black Panthers, Weapons, Police hatred, demonstrations, politicians Garbage ... there is a bit of everything. Apart from all this, this black man seems to have a particular and visceral hatred against Europe and for everything that is European, one can not understand why he still remains in Lusitanian territory. Go back to your origins, preferably take your family with you, and we wish you all to be very happy in Africa, where you can live according to your customs and traditions and invade Police Departments or beat cops as you please.

For our friends and comrades all over the world

SCHWARZE RACISTEN IN DEN ANSCHLÜSSEN ZU DER POLIZEI IN ALFRAGIDE, PORTUGAL(verboten fur Nova Ordem Social facebook page) Jakilson Ramos Pereira ist ein schwarzer Rassist, der von den Portugiesen und Internationalen weit links finanziert wird und führt in Portugal die Gruppe des weißen Hasses, genannt Black Power und Black Panthers. Er ist auch Mitglied einer Band, Hezbo MC in einer klaren Anspielung auf die islamische Terrororganisation Hisbollah und nutzt in seinen Promotions und Editionen, weiße Polizeizeichnungen mit Schweinköpfen oder Zeichnungen mit Angriffswaffen, die gemeinhin als Maschinengewehre bekannt sind.




ACHTUNG: Wir bitten unsere Leser, dass sie für ihr eigenes Gut und um vor rechtlichen Verfahren zu schützen, um zu wissen, wer unsere Feinde sind und wo sie platziert sind und wer trotz der Gefühle von Ekel und Hass diesen Text Ihnen übermitteln kann, nicht zu Machen Bemerkungen, die im Lichte unserer spektakulären Freiheit der Meinungsäußerung für die Meinungen erlaubt sind. Vielen Dank.

Für unsere Freunde und Kameraden in Deutschland
Ondas de negros africanos invadirem no ultimo anos Europa. Usando caminho do maroco,tunesia e libiya para entre espanha,franca,italia e greca. Nois precisa feca fronteira,ja!
ResponderEliminarPara mim há brancos bons e brancos maus tal como há negros bons e negros maus . Conheço ambos os generos
ResponderEliminarObrigado pela informação desconhecia a mesma, sem palavras em relação a uma situação destas. Incrível!!!